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Unit 3 My day 教学设计

来源:原创  发布人:金丹  发布时间:2018-04-27  浏览次数:

Unit 3 My day 教学设计

(Period 3 Cartoon time & Checkout time)




1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的四会单词及词组。

2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写的四会句型。

3. 能初步理解句型:What can you see?及回答I can see…

4. 能明白Cartoon time的幽默之处,并能和同学合作表演。

5. 能帮Miss Li完成“My day”的小短文。

6. 能谈论自己一天的作息安排,尝试写一下自己的一天。

7. 通过本课学习,使学生体会到生活的丰富多彩。



1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的四会单词及词组。

2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写的四会句型。

3. 能明白Cartoon time的幽默之处,并能和同学合作表演。

4. 能帮Miss Li完成“My day”的小短文。

5. 能谈论自己一天的作息安排。



1. 能谈论自己一天的作息安排。

2. 能写下自己的一天作息安排。





Step1 Greeting and free talk

1.      Greeting

T: Hi, I’m Miss Jin. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you too.

2.      Free talk

T: What’s your name?

Can you skate/ run/ make a cake/play…?

Do you like …? Why?

What day is it today?

  What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon?

What subjects do you like? Why?

Is it time for PE?

 Ss answer the questions

T: Right. It’s time for English.


Step2 Revision

1.Song time

T: Boys and girls, do you like songs? Let’s enjoy the song. You can sing it together and do some actions. You can stand up.

1.      句子复习:

The more, the better(最强团队)

句子说说看(Let’s say)


T: Peter does something in the morning. I also do something in the morning. In the morning, I get up at six. I have breakfast at six thirty. I go to school at seven o’clock. Well, how about you? What do you do in the morning?

Ss: I get up at…/I go to school at…/I have an English lesson at…/I have lunch at …



T: Great. Let’s have a competition. “The more, the better” Let me see who can say more sentences, Team 1 or Team 2?  Here’s a rule for you. Please read it quietly and carefully.


Are you clear? Let’s start. Team One, first.

Ss: 团队比赛。

a. in the afternoon have a PE lesson/ eat a hot dog/ play football/play basketball/skate/swim/fly a kite…

T: …is better. …, come on. This time, let’s use the new expression. For example. At six, I have dinner. Team Two starts.

(PPT给出句子结构: At…, I…)

Ss: 团队比赛


b.      in the evening (have dinner/ do my homework/ watch TV/play computer games/make a cake… )

T:  Great. … is better.

Ss: 根据结构说句子。

T: All of you did good job. You do many things in a day. 


Step3 Checkout Time & Ticking Time

1.      短文听听看(Let’s listen)

Checkout time: Write about Miss Li

(1) 语言准备:

T: This is your day. How about Miss Li’s day. Last class, we sent Wechat to Miss Li to know her day. Just now Miss Li sent Wechat to me.

(PPT 呈现微信图片)

Do you want to know? Please take out your paper. Let’s listen carefully. And try to fulfill the form.


Miss   Li’s day


Have breakfast



have dinner



a.       听力指导

THere’re some listening tips for you. They can help you.


Tip1: 第一遍可写下单词的首字母,第二遍再完成单词。

Tip2: 表格中时间可用数字表达。

b.      Listen to Miss Li twice

c.       Check the form

T: Are you OK? Let’s check. Now you’re Miss Li. Hi, Miss Li. What do you do at six o’clock?

S1: I get up at six o’clock.

T: When do you have breakfast?

Ss: I have breakfast at six thirty.

d. T: Look, there are two six thirty. Are they the same time?

Ss: 回答(可用中文)


3. 短文写写看(Let’s write


a. 写作指导:

T: Excellent. We know Miss Li’s schedule. Let’s help Miss Li finish this passage according to the schedule.

Before that, I have some writing tips for you. Please pay more attention:

eg: 单线相当于四线三格的第三线。





b. 开始写作

c. 展台示范批改→同桌交换,互相检查(Change it with your partner and check)

d. 拓展

T: Look at the fourth sentence. Can you find something different with others?

(PPT: 圈出第四句,伴有音效)

Ss: 思考并反馈。

(PPT: 圈出时间→圈出标点,伴有音效→出现两种句子结构)

I …at …/At…I …

 T: We can use” I …at …/At…I …” to show what we do when we write ”My day”we can change the expression which can make our passage more vividly.


Step4 Cartoon time

1.      动漫赏赏看(Let’s watch

T: Good. Miss Li’s day is colourful. What about Bobby and Sam? Last time, Bobby Do you like cartoons? Aha, Look, Sam and Bobby are coming. (PPT出现)

Last time, Bobby got up at six on Saturday. But he didn’t have any lessons on Saturdays. What a pity! How’s this time? What will happen? Let’s watch. I can’t wait. Before watching, I have a question for you.

a. 提问:Where’s Bobby now?

      1. In the desert.  2. In bed.

b.      学生看卡通回答问题: 2


2.      动漫听听看(Let’s listen and answer)

T: After watching, I have three questions for you. This time, let’s listen and answer.


1.      When does Bobby usually have dinner?

2.      Why is Bobby sad?

3.      What can you see over there, Bobby ? (教授学生句型)

4.      处理新句型

T: T: Excellent. What can you see over there?(问几位同学)

Ss: I can see…




3.      动漫读读看(Let’s read and answer)

TCan Bobby eat the cake? Why?

S:  It’s Bobby’s dream.

T:  How is the dream?(教师教授dream,让学生注意ea字母组合的发音)

T:  美梦。


4.      动漫演演看(Let’s read and act

T: I like Bobby’s dream. Let’s read after the tape. Here’s a reading tip for you. Please try to imitate the intonation.


T: Let’s read in roles. Girls are Bobby. And boys you’re Sam. And Let’s read “Get up! Get up” together. Please read it with activities and expressions.

Ss 分角色读


   T: Let’s act the cartoon. Please practice in three: Sam, Bobby and the alarm clock. And you can act it out with books or without books.

a. 三人一组练习(Sam, Bobby and the clock

b. Feedback. (请两组反馈)


Step 5 Consolidation

Let’s imagine: My dream day

1.      Mike’s dream day

T: We know Bobby has a sweet dream, look, Mike has a sweet dream too. Let’s look at Mike’s dream together.

2.      Other’s day.

T: This time, let’s enjoy other’s days. Look, Miss Li has a busy day. Sam has a full day. Mike and Bobby have happy days. Because they are dream days. I have a dream day. This my dream day. What about you? Which day do you like? Please choose one day to write.

3.      Write your day.

4.      My  dream  day  (梦想中的一天)

Hello , I'm  ______________.

In the morning, I want to get up at ___________.

I want to __________________________________.

In the afternoon, I want to ______________at______________.

I want to _______________________ at ____________.


After dinner (晚饭后), I usually ___________.

I want to go to bed at _________.

This is my dream day.

Step6 Homework

1.      根据自己一天的作息安排,写写自己的一天,下节课交流。

2.      完成《补充习题》本单元剩余的内容。

3.      Cartoon time表演给家长看。



Unit 3 My day

In the evening

In the morning


 In the evening

                               When do you…?

                               I … at…

                               At…, I …