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Unit 5 Helping our parents Story time教学设计

来源:原创  发布人:顾春晖  发布时间:2018-04-30  浏览次数:

Unit 5 Helping our parents   Story time


1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:parent, clean, cook, sweep, busy, wash .

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:what are you doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答

3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。




Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning,Mr lu

T:There are so many teachers here, they are listening to our lesson. Let’s say “Good morning” to the teachers.

Ss: Good morning.

T: Now sit down please. Are you ready for class?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, now let’s go. When you see the words. Please make the phrases. Ready? GO!

Ss: clean the chair/desk... Play basketball/football... Make model planes/ship... Watch TV/cartoons... Help me/my mother...

T: You are good students. Help our mother and father ,we also can say help our parents. Help our parents(带学生整体读,分个别读)

Today we will learn Unit5 Helping our parents. Parents means ...

S1: mother and father

TGreat, do you love your parents?


T:. I think you are good children at home.I always help my parents do the housework.

(1). I have two questions here.

Q1: When do you do the housework?------ After school  At weekends.

Most of you do housework at weekends, because you are busy doing your homework from Monday to Friday, right?

S2:What do you do ?

T:I can do many things. Look this is my weekends. In the morning. I make the bed, cook breakfast,(教师边做边做动作)

Who can show me how to make a bed. Together (学生边读边做动作)

Cook breakfast ,together.

In the afternoon . I ...(教师出示词组,学生不会读)

How to read this word

S1: sweet---sweep  door---floor

T: who can read it?

S1: sweep the floor

T: How to sweep? (教师动作展示,学生跟读!)

Tclean the rooms. Where can we clean ?

S1: I can clean...

T: So my weekends is very busy. Read after me “ busy”. How about you?

What housework can you do ?(教师出示PPT)

  You can talk about with your partner.

  S1: I can… (出示词汇和图片, 生自由表达,根据学生回答随机教学关于家务劳动的新词汇:wash clothes, wash the dishes, make the bed, sweep the floor, clean the windows/car/table/doors, cook rice/breakfast/lunch/dinner, water the flowers. )

2.过渡:You can do so many things. You are great. How about our old friends?

Look. Who are they ?------Mike and Helen

Are Mike and Helen busy on Saturday?

Listen and choose

1.When is it ?

  2.Who is helping Mikes father  ?

  3.Who is sleeping

  Read and underline

  It is Saturday morning.

  My father is cleaning the car.

  I am helping him.

  My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

  Helen is in the living room.

  She is sweeping the floor.

  Where is Tim?

  What is he doing now?

  Tim is in his bedroom.

  He is sleeping.

  Ben the dog is sleeping too.

  Read and match.

  What are they doing in the afternoon?

  What is Mike doing in the afternoon?

  What is Helen doing in the afternoon?

Mike is helping his parents. He is cleaning the car and cleaning the table.

    Helen is helping her parents. She is sweeping the floor and washing the dishes.

(3). Ask and answer in pairs.

   A: What is Mike/Helen doing?

   B: He/She is …

2. Mike and Helen are busy. What are their family doing in the morning and in the afternoon?

 (1). Watch the cartoon and complete the form.(看完后让学生填空)

In the morning

In the afternoon

Mike’s father

cleaning the car

Mike’s mother


(2). Ask and answer in pairs.

(3). By the way, who is sleeping too? ------ Ben

  引出句型:Ben the dog is sleeping too.

(4). T: Guess, what is Mike’s father doing in the afternoon?

   S1: He is… I think.

Step3. Try to read

 1. It’s time for reading now. Let’s read after the tape.


2. This time please read with your partner.


Step4. Try to retell the busy Saturday.

过渡:You can read well, can you retell?

1. Look at the blackboard.师边板书边复述

2. Try to retell the text according the blackboard design.

Step 5. Try to act.

1. 你想呈现麦克一家发生的事情吗?选择周六上午或下午发生的事情,和你的同伴们去演一演。


旁白:It is Saturday morning, Mike’s family are very busy.

Mike: Mum, what are you doing?

Mum: I’m cooking breakfast.

Mike: Helen, what are you doing?

Helen: I’m sweeping the floor.

Mike: Oh, I see. Tim, where are you?

Helen: Shh, he is in the bedroom. He is sleeping.

Mike: Dad, what are you doing?

Dad: I’m cleaning the car.

Mike: Let me help you.

Dad: OK.

旁白:It is Saturday afternoon, Mike’s family are very busy.

Mum: Mike, where are you? Please help me.

Mike: Oh, sorry, mum. I’m cleaning the table now.

Mum: Helen, what are you doing? Can you help me?

Helen: Wait a minute, mum. I’m washing the dishes now.

Mum: OK. What are Tim and Jim doing?

Helen: They are eating fruit and watching TV now.

Mum: Oh, I see.

2. Try to act in four.



Look, it’s seven o’clock in the evening. What are Mike and his family doing now? Expand your imagination.

       It’s seven o’clock in the evening. Mike and his family are busy now.

Look, Mike’s grandfather is                     .

     Mike’s grandmother is                          .

     Mike’s father                             .

     Mike’s mother                             .

     Mike and Helen are                            .

     Tim and Ben                              .

Step 6 Homework

 1.Continute to finish your exercise.

 2.Read the text after the tape three times.