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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Period 1)

来源:原创  发布人:顾春晖  发布时间:2018-04-30  浏览次数:

Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time


Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


1 To make the students understand the whole story.

2 To make the students listen say read and write the following words: check,dentist,anything,bedtime,brush one’s teeth, drink water,eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine,fever, headache, toothache.


1 To make the students have the ability to read the whole story.

2 To make the students have the ability to act the dialogue.

3 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: Whats wrong with...? ... Have/has a ....    What should ...do? Why does/do ...have a...?


1To make students know what they should do to keep themselves health.


Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 To make the students listen say read and write the following words: check,dentist,anything,bedtime,brush one’s teeth, drink water,eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine,fever, headache, toothache.


2 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: Whats wrong with...? ... Have/has a ....    What should ...do? Why does/do ...have a...?




Teaching procedures教学过程:


Step 1 Sing a song

1 Sing a song < Body song>

2 Brainstorm some parts of our body.  Head, arm, leg...

3 If one part of our body feels hurt, we can say ...ache

  eg: headache, toothache, earache...


Step 2 Presentation of the whole story.

 1 Show two pictures of Su Hai and Mike. They both fell unwell, so they are seeing the doctor. Lead in the title.

 2 Watch the whole story and answer the following question:

   What’s wrong with Su Hai?  She has a ...

   What’s wrong with Mike?    He has a ... (Answer with ...have/has a ...)


Step 3 Learning of Part 1

  1 watch Part 1.


  2 Fill in two questions: Why?    What...do?

    Why does she have a headache?

    What should she do?

      3 Read and discuss about the two questions

        Because she has a fever.

        She should have a rest, take some medicine and drink some warm water.


  4 Encourage students to fill the blanks about ‘ think and write’ .


  5 Let’s repeat.(pay attention to ‘check’)


  6 Read in 2 students. Teacher checks their reading.


Step 4 Learning of Part 2

  1 Lead in.

    Here is a story of Mike. He has a toothache. Teacher wants to know two questions about his toothache. Can you guess the two questions?

    Why does he have a toothache?

    What should he do?


  2 Read and find the answer.

    a.Read and circle. Read in you groups. Circle some new words. Help each other understand new words if you know them.(Teach ‘anything, bedtime’)

    b.Find the answers. Find the answers of questions again on the book.  

      Because he eats a lot of sweets.

      He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. He shouldn’t eat too many sweets.


  3 Encourage students to discuss and fill the blanks by themselves.


  4 Let’s repeat.


Step 5 Performance

  1 Read the whole passage with the cartoon

  2 4 students a groups. Act the whole dialogue

  3. Ask the students come to the front and act it out.


Step 6 Practice and consolidation

  1.Mr Green and Liu Tao are talking about something. Let’s see.


    Role play as Mr Green and Liu Tao.

    . What’s wrong with...?  He/She has a ...

     Why does ... have a ...?

     What should ...do?

     ( Pay attention to more suggestions )


  2 Talk about more people with different aches in the hospital.

    . What’s wrong with...?  I ...

     Why does ... have a ...?

     What should ...do?

     (Encourage ‘doctor’ to give more suggestions)


   Step 7 Homework

     1 Recite the dialogue.

     2 Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.